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Data Protection

Personal data will be collected, stored and used only for processing bookings. It will not be forwarded to a third-party in accordance with Federal Data Protection Laws

This service is operated by

Göppingen District Council
Lorcher Str. 6 73033 Göppingen
Telefon: +49 7161 202-0
Telefax: +49 7161 202-1199
E-Mail: info@lkgp.de

Göppingen District Council is a public corporation. District Administrator is Edgar Wolff.

VAT ID in accordance with § 27 VAT Law : DE145469354

Content: Susanne Rauh, Main Office – IT Dept., Göppingen District Council, Lorcher Str. 6, 73033 Göppingen, Tel.: +49 7161 202-1147, Fax: +49 7161 202-1195, E-Mail: s.rauh@lkgp.de
Contact the above for all content concerning Göppingen District Council departments.

Technology operated by

Close On-Demand Public Transport Regulations

On-Demand Public Transport Regulations

  1. All public bus routes within and from the Göppingen region are subject to the public transport regulations and fares set by the Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH (VVS). These can be found on the VVS-Website
  2. The´Rufbus´(call-on-demand transport or call-a-bus) operates exclusively on routes for fixed-line buses. These routes can be found under Fahrpläne(Timetables). The Rufbus does not operate in built-up areas.
  3. Rufbus bookings must be made at least one hour prior to your journey, either online, by phone or in person at the´Mobilitätszentrale´(central transport office) in Geislingen.
  4. Advance bookings can be made (max. 7 days before your journey).
  5. Cancellations can be made but no later than 45 minutes prior to the journey.
  6. Passengers who repeatedly fail to show up at the specified bus stop (pick-up) can face a warning after which they will not be allowed to use the service for a limited period of time.
  7. Passengers using the Rufbus are not automatically entitled to the shortest or fastest route as other passengers may also have booked the same route.
  8. Passengers travelling with babies must bring their own baby car seats for group 0 or rather 0+.
  9. If notified beforehand, the carrier will provide child car seats for chidren up to the age of 12 or with a max. height of 150 cm.

(c) pps/edv 2025